Anni Yan

Welcome to the portfolio of me



@INFO 200 Class Final Project, Winter 2017

What is it? Kitch-a-dee is an app & RFID sensor combo. What’s it for? It’s for American households to reduce food waste. For more info, please visit our medium page to learn more!


Bechdel Test

@INFO 201 Class Final Project, Spring 2017

The Bechdel Test assesses whether a movie has at least two female characters with names, whether they talked to each other, and whether their topic is about men. Many major films failed this test. My group wanted to raise social awareness of female role and we presented the analysis using R and Shiny. We made interactive data visualizations and gave conclusion of what we found. My work was the home page, the year made page, the search page, the about us page and I added CSS stylesheet.


Secret Project in Progress

@Anni's own project(redesign a website), currently

What is it? TBD


BWB prosthetic socket team

@BWB Club(Bioengineers Without Border), Winter - Spring 2017

The goal of this project is to make a cheaper, stronger version of prosthetic team using materials like polypropylene instead of the expensive carbon material. Some part of the socket is also 3D printed. Now we are at the stage of designing and making prototypes.

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